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Teeth Whitening – Channahon, IL

It’s Time to Help You Smile Like the Stars

Professional teeth whitening is a common cosmetic dental service that millions of people turn to when looking to eliminate stains and discoloration. Whether caused by wear and tear, dark-colored beverages and food, or genetics, smiles can become dull over time, resulting in a person’s lack of self-esteem. At Grand Dental – Channahon, though, our dental experts can provide in-office or take-home teeth whitening solutions to boost appearances and enhance pearly whites for years. Call our office to schedule a consultation if you are interested in learning more about teeth whitening.

Who is a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

Up-close image of a person’s stained teeth before and after

Most individuals who desire a brighter smile can undergo whitening treatment; however, all cosmetic services require meeting with a skilled dental professional. Patients who want to eliminate tooth stains will first need to have their oral and overall health examined. If signs of decay or gum disease exist, the dentist will recommend appropriate treatment to address the issue before moving forward with any kind of whitening.

In general, though, patients who are unhappy with the color of their teeth can find hope with professional teeth whitening.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Person receiving in-office teeth whitening

Our team at Grand Dental – Channahon is pleased to offer patients two forms of whitening treatment – Zoom! in-office and Opalescence take-home kits. Depending on a person’s preference and budget, both methods can deliver one-of-a-kind results.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

With the Opalescence Go whitening system, our team will provide a person with customized trays that are crafted from digital impressions taken in-house. Once crafted, we will combine them with a high-grade bleaching gel that penetrates the enamel and dentin layers, eliminating stains of all types (intrinsic and extrinsic). While the trays will need to be worn according to the timeframe provided by our team, an individual can expect to see results in just two weeks.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

Our Zoom! in-office whitening treatment is a more convenient option for patients who need a brighter smile in less time. Taking only one hour, this solution targets surface stains and those beneath the enamel to whiten teeth and create a more visually appealing aesthetic for any big upcoming event.

Tips for Maintaining Your Brighter Smile

Woman visiting her dentist to maintain her results

Teeth whitening is not a permanent form of cosmetic dentistry, which means that a patient will be required to take necessary steps to maintain their results. It doesn’t have to be hard, just that the individual will need to:

Understanding the Cost of Teeth Whitening

woman showing off smile after learning the cost of teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is considered one of the more affordable methods of cosmetic treatment; however, many individuals still wonder about its cost and whether it is a budget-friendly way to improve one’s smile. Compared to other services (i.e., veneers, metal-free restorations, etc.), teeth whitening tends to be much less expensive. However, to better prepare patients for what the price of treatment might look like, keep reading.

Factors that Affect the Cost of Teeth Whitening

before and after teeth whitening

When it comes to teeth whitening, each case is different, so we cannot establish a set price for treatment. Instead, we base our estimates on various factors that are considered during the initial consultation.

It’s possible a patient might need additional services to address existing dental problems, such as gum disease or tooth decay. They might also have significant discoloration beneath the enamel’s surface, which would potentially require multiple treatments. Another common factor is whether the individual prefers to undergo in-office whitening or brighten their teeth on their own time with a custom take-home kit.

Types of Teeth Whitening: What Do They Cost?

in-office teeth whitening

With so many different whitening options on the market today, patients should do their research before assuming the cheapest option is the best. In most cases, this is not likely. Below is a breakdown of the cost differences between professional and store-bought whitening solutions:

  • In-Office Whitening: $400-$500
  • Take-Home Whitening: $200-$300
  • Store-Bought Trays: $100 or less
  • Strips, Gels, and Pens: $20-$30

Fast Teeth Whitening VS Inexpensive Teeth Whitening

male patient learning about take-home whitening kits

Everyone wants to save money, but when it comes to a person’s smile, it’s best not to cut corners. The least expensive option will likely leave an individual with an uneven smile and highly sensitive teeth. This is because the ingredients used in the bleaching gel lack the strength to fully eliminate stains.

Professional whitening, though, is stronger and can remove discoloration above and below the surface. Also, because a cosmetic dentist oversees the process, teeth will be less sensitive, allowing for a more enjoyable form of treatment. Not to mention, results are likely to form in just one hour with in-office care or within two weeks with customized trays.

Options for Making Teeth Whitening Affordable

woman pleased with whitening results

There are a few different options that make teeth whitening an affordable cosmetic option for patients, especially since dental insurance is unlikely to cover the cost.

We offer our Grand Advantage Plan that makes it easy to enroll and receive valuable discounts on various forms of treatment. We also partner with CareCredit and Alphaeon Credit to provide flexible financing options for anyone who needs help to pay for treatment not covered by dental insurance.

Right now, our Grand Dental – Channahon office is also pleased to offer a special of Free Teeth Whitening for Life – a $500 value for existing and new patients!